星期三, 23 10 月, 2024
主页时尚服饰搭配品牌SHOW|塞尔维亚水晶首饰品牌 SER FASHION

品牌SHOW|塞尔维亚水晶首饰品牌 SER FASHION


1999-2002: 创业初期

1999 年,一对年轻夫妇在塞尔维亚诺维萨德成立了一家珠宝店,这就是日后的 SER FASHION 珠宝品牌。2003 年,经过几年成功的批发业务后,公司停止了业务活动,搬到了更大的地方。

2003-2013: 建立国际影响力

第一位内部设计师加入公司,SER FASHION 成为施华洛世奇® 的授权品牌合作伙伴,开始专注于创造自己的独特首饰。2013 年,公司决定开始在塞尔维亚生产首饰。2013 年,使用施华洛世奇水晶设计的 SER FASHION 首饰首次在前南斯拉夫市场和主要的塞尔维亚市场推出。

消费者接受了这一概念,在接下来的几年里,公司开始拓展国际业务,进入新的市场。公司在香港设有办事处,总部设在塞尔维亚的诺维萨德。现在,SER FASHION拥有众多满意的客户,并且仍在不断发展壮大!您将成为这个大家庭的一员。

1999-2002: The early years

Back in 1999, a jewelry shop that would one day become SER FASHION jewelry brand was established in Novi Sad, Serbia, by young couple. In 2003, after several successful years as wholesalers our activities were discontinued and the company moved to larger premises.

2003-2013: Building an international presence

The first in-house designer joined the company and SER FASHION Authorized Brand Partner of Swarovski® began to focus on creating its own Unique jewelry. In 2013 the company decided to start manufacturing its jewelry in Serbia.

In2013 SER FASHION jewelry designed with crystals from Swarovski was first launched in the ex Yugoslavian market with main Serbian market. Consumers embraced the concept, and in the following years the company began to expand internationally, entering new market. Our company have offices in Hong Kong and headquartered in Novi Sad, Serbia. Now we have many satisfied customers we are still growing! You will be part of a large family.

如今 SER FASHION 珠宝品牌现在拥有自己的生产工厂,员工们在传统工艺和现代技术的基础上,致力于生产品质卓越的手工珠宝首饰。目前,公司正在快速开拓新的市场。

使命与愿景 公司的使命是以合理的价格为全球女性提供高品质、手工制作、现代和纯正的珠宝产品。SER FASHION不断发展自己的珠宝产品组合,使其与公司的核心价值观–价格合理的奢华、现代设计–保持一致。作为施华洛世奇(Swarovski®)的授权品牌合作伙伴,公司的愿景是进军新市场,在当地珠宝市场占据一席之地,满足人们对个性化首饰日益增长的需求,并向所有人展示谁有梦想,谁就能做到。

业务战略 努力实现公司的长期愿景,成为公认的珠宝品牌。SER FASHION确定了以下中短期战略目标:

专注于 SER FASHION 品牌珠宝的销售渠道




TODAY SER FASHION jewelry brand now own manufacturing facilities where skilled employees are dedicated to manufacturing hand-finished jewelry of outstanding quality, based on traditional craftsmanship and modern techno logy. We are now near fast opening new markets.

MISSION AND VISION Our mission is to offer women across the world a universe of high quality, hand-finished, modern and genuine jewelry products at affordable prices. We continually develop our jewelry portfolio in keeping with our core values of affordable luxury, contemporary design. Our vision as Authorized Brand Partner of Swarovski® is to enter new markets and take share in local jewelry market. To fulfill increasing demand for personalised jewelry and show to everybody who can dream it, can do it.

BUSINESS STRATEGY To work towards our long term vision and become the recognized jewelry brand. We have identified the following strategic objectives for the short to medium term:

Focus on SER FASHION jewelry branded sales channels

Capitalize on our product offering

Tailor our approach to new markets

Build a global brand



作为 SER FASHION 珠宝品牌的加盟商,您是在为自己做生意,但绝不是在单打独斗。作为业务合作伙伴,SER FASHION将为您的事业提供全力支持,助您走好每一步:首先,会为您的新珠宝店选址提供建议,做准备。然后,会帮助您设计和安装店面,并为店面配备富有灵感的配件、固定装置和商品陈列。您打开店门开始营业后,SER FASHION也将提供持续支持。


SER FASHION的产品是特许经营套餐的重要组成部分。SER FASHION 采用施华洛世奇® 水晶设计的女性首饰系列是专为自己的顾客设计和组合的,而且价格合理。SER FASHION为加盟商提供完整的产品系列,但产品组合会根据市场成熟度而有所不同。

SER FASHION 系列首饰缀有施华洛世奇水晶,包括 100,000 多种不同的形状和颜色,您可以将其与公司专门设计的 925 纯银、皮革或纺织品相结合。SER FASHION提供多种款式供您选择,让您拥有具有无限可能的百搭饰品。SER FASHION的珠宝款式涵盖各种材质和设计,混合纯银、皮革或纺织品,充分展现您的个人风格。SER FASHION的设计理念让您可以将自己喜爱的颜色与喜爱的款式相结合,创造出属于自己的独特造型。您还可以从一系列独特的耳钉和挂耳环中选择适合任何场合的款式。

As a SER FASHION jewelry brand franchisee, you are in business for yourself, but never by yourself. We will support you throughout your career as our business partner. We will assist you in every step of the way: First, we suggest you to find the location for your new jewelry store and then we prepare the site for retailing. Then we help you design and install the store with inspiring fittings, fixtures and merchandising. Finally, you open the doors and start operating the business and we provide the ongoing support.

Universe of jewellery

Our products play a vital part of the franchise package. We always seek to market attractive designs that appeal to our target audience.SER FASHION designed with crystals from Swarovski® feminine universe of jewellery is made for our customers to create and combine – at affordable prices. We offer our franchisees to carry a full assortment, but the mix will vary depending on market maturity.

SER FASHION jewelry products embellished with crystals from Swarovski includes more than 100,000 different shapes and colours, which you can combine with our specially designed in 925 sterling silver, leather or textile. We offer a large selection of models, giving you endless possibilities to mix and match the pieces to fit any occasion. Our range of jewelry models cover a great variety of materials and designs. Mix sterling silver, leather or textile to express your personal style. Our concept allows you to combine your favorite colors with your favorite styles, creating your own, distinctive look. You can also choose from a range of unique studs and hanging earrings, matching any occasion.




塞尔维亚水晶首饰品牌SER FASHION


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